Ropemakers Academy Win Two Honourable Awards
SECBE Award (Outstanding Customer Satisfaction) & Sussex Heritage Award (Public and Community) 2021
ECE are thrilled to have won two honourable awards for the newly built Ropemakers Academy in Hailsham. Ropemakers is a free school specialising in student’s social, emotional and mental health as well as ASD support (Autistic Spectrum Disorder).
The SECBE award recognises the project team’s outstanding customer satisfaction and collaboration throughout the whole project. This award commends continuous dedication and high standards of engagement with clients Beckmead Trust and East Sussex County Council, whilst prioritising the student’s and staff’s needs to ensure a safe environment and exceptional specialist teaching facilities.
Continuing our celebrations, we received the Sussex Heritage Trust Public and Community award. This reflects the highest quality care and design of newly built projects, with the ability to provide exemplary facilities for the community.
The Sussex Heritage Trust also recognise conservation efforts. Careful design and consideration were taken to minimise any potential impact to the site’s existing ecology, including wildlife such as newts, bats and birds.
You can find out further information about the project here.
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