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By Stuart Eatock

Caroline Lucas MP Opens Pelham Campus for GB Met

On a beautiful September afternoon, ECE and invited guests attended the grand opening of the new Pelham Campus by Caroline Lucas, the MP for Brighton Pavilion.

The celebrations began with a line up of guest speakers. This included our Managing Director, Stuart Eatock, who spoke about the challenges the College have faced in developing the campus, the design process and final solution.

This was followed by Russell Miller, the Director of Willmott Dixon. Miller explained the construction process in more detail, the challenges presented by the pandemic and the tremendous resilience that they and their supply chain partners overcame.

Sue Berelowitz, the College Chair of Governors, expressed her delight with the positive changes that the project has had on the staff and students at the College.

Concluding the speeches, Caroline Lucas summed up about how the design welcomed the people of Brighton, triumphed the project’s green credentials and stressed the importance of the Further Education Sector in the community.

Guests were then invited on a tour of the new facilities, also being welcomed by students catering the event and demonstrating the uses of the new workspaces.

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