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By Nick Evans

NLA Conference

ECE Director Nick Evans addresses the NLA Conference on the 90,000 London school place shortfall.

On 26 March Nick Evans outlined to the delegates at the conference the benefits of converting existing redundant city centre building stock – especially in London – into school places to meet the demand so clearly identified by the Education Funding Agency.

The predicted shortfall in school places can be accurately predicted to a micro-delivery level and so the location of school conversions should be carefully considered both to meet identified local needs and to occupy an approximate position in the urban fabric.

Wapping High School long section diagram
Wapping High School long section diagram

The re-use of all redundant buildings of an appropriate size and position, especially offices, can be a meaningful way to provide new education places and recent changes in town planning policy support this approach.

Wapping High School
Wapping High School
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