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Linford, Thurrock

Together with Ilke Homes, ECE have recently received full Planning Permission for a masterplan for 230 new modular affordable homes in Linford, Essex.

Ilke Homes will be delivering a sustainable scheme through modular volumetric construction, reducing construction time, traffic and environmental impact. Manufactured off-site in Yorkshire, modules are built in a controlled setting at efficient speed and high quality. They are then assembled on site with a single crane installing up to six houses in a day.

The lifecycle carbon emissions are up to 12% lower than a traditional constructed home. The enhanced building fabric enables the homes to exceed building regulation standards and minimise energy consumption.

Existing trees and hedgerows will be retained and enhanced to create green edges to screen the development and sit comfortably in the surrounding countryside, with links to Linford Wood. Materials common within the existing villages of Linford and East Tilbury will be used to make sure the development integrates well within the overall context.